

cl-geonames is a Common Lisp wrapper around the Geonames web service.

It is developed on Debian GNU/Linux . and licensed under a license Lisp Lesser GNU Public License

cl-digg could be installed like this :
  • Load libraries :
    CL-USER> (require 'asdf)
    CL-USER> (require 'asdf-install)
  • Install cl-geonames :
    CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-geonames)
  • Usage :
    • Get informations about some countries :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames:geo-country-info :country '("FR" "GB" "ES"))
       (:|country| (:|countryCode| "ES") (:|countryName| "Spain")
        (:|isoNumeric| "724") (:|isoAlpha3| "ESP") (:|fipsCode| "SP")
        (:|continent| "EU") (:|capital| "Madrid") (:|areaInSqKm| "504782.0")
        (:|population| "40341462") (:|currencyCode| "EUR")
        (:|languages| "es-ES,ca,an,eu,gl") (:|bBoxWest| "-18.170559")
        (:|bBoxNorth| "43.772217") (:|bBoxEast| "4.316944")
        (:|bBoxSouth| "27.637497"))
       (:|country| (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|isoNumeric| "250") (:|isoAlpha3| "FRA") (:|fipsCode| "FR")
        (:|continent| "EU") (:|capital| "Paris") (:|areaInSqKm| "547030.0")
        (:|population| "60656178") (:|currencyCode| "EUR")
        (:|languages| "fr-FR,de-FR,br,co,oc") (:|bBoxWest| "-5.134723")
        (:|bBoxNorth| "51.09111") (:|bBoxEast| "9.562222")
        (:|bBoxSouth| "41.364166"))
       (:|country| (:|countryCode| "GB") (:|countryName| "United Kingdom")
        (:|isoNumeric| "826") (:|isoAlpha3| "GBR") (:|fipsCode| "UK")
        (:|continent| "EU") (:|capital| "London") (:|areaInSqKm| "244820.0")
        (:|population| "60441457") (:|currencyCode| "GBP")
        (:|languages| "en,en-GB,cy-GB,fr-GB,ga-GB,gd,gv,kw")
        (:|bBoxWest| "-8.621389") (:|bBoxNorth| "60.844444") (:|bBoxEast| "1.749444")
        (:|bBoxSouth| "49.911659")))
    • Get the iso country code for the given LATITUDE/LONGITUDE :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-country-code
                   "44.8391224692125" "-0.585060840409772")
      (:|geonames| (:|country| (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")))
    • Get the country and the administrative subdivison (state, province,...) for the given LATITUDE/LONGITUDE :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-country-subdivision
                   "44.8391224692125" "-0.585060840409772")
       (:|countrySubdivision| (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|adminCode1| "97") (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine")))
    • Get the elevation in meters according to srtm3 for the given LATITUDE/LONGITUDE :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-elevation-srtm3
                  "44.8391224692125" "-0.585060840409772")
    • Get the elevation in meters according to gtopo30 for the given LATITUDE/LONGITUDE :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-elevation-gtopo30
                  "44.8391224692125" "-0.585060840409772")
    • A list of postalcodes and places for the LATITUDE / LONGITUDE query :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-find-nearby-place-name "44.8391224692125"
                                                        :radius 10)
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667")
        (:|geonameId| "3031582") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPLA") (:|distance| "1.58675662707033"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "La Bastide") (:|lat| "44.85") (:|lng| "-0.5666667")
        (:|geonameId| "3011289") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPLX") (:|distance| "1.8882948750268167"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Talence") (:|lat| "44.8166667") (:|lng| "-0.6")
        (:|geonameId| "2973495") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "2.7608199337635466"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Caudéran") (:|lat| "44.85") (:|lng| "-0.6166667")
        (:|geonameId| "3028210") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "2.7697050160977645"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Saint-Marie") (:|lat| "44.8444444") (:|lng| "-0.55")
        (:|geonameId| "3225415") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "2.826815782035943"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bacalan") (:|lat| "44.8666667") (:|lng| "-0.5666667")
        (:|geonameId| "3035500") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPLX") (:|distance| "3.3885021713505"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Mérignac") (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.6333333")
        (:|geonameId| "2994393") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "3.8602007905079048"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Le Bouscat") (:|lat| "44.8666667") (:|lng| "-0.6166667")
        (:|geonameId| "3005066") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "3.947957348832917"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Capeyron") (:|lat| "44.85") (:|lng| "-0.6333333")
        (:|geonameId| "3028718") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "3.9931728395199757"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Le Grand-Louis") (:|lat| "44.85") (:|lng| "-0.6333333")
        (:|geonameId| "3003987") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL") (:|distance| "3.9931728395199757")))
    • A list of postalcodes and places for the POSTAL-CODE query :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-find-nearby-postal-code "33000")
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33000") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8391224692125") (:|lng| "-0.585060840409772") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "0.0"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33100") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "1.58675662707033"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33200") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "1.58675662707033"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33800") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8276158095215") (:|lng| "-0.558988294008739") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "2.421455258929154"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33400") (:|name| "Talence") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8166667") (:|lng| "-0.6") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        (:|adminCode3| "33522") :|adminName3| (:|distance| "2.7608199337635466")))
    • A list of postalcodes and places for the LATITUDE / LONGITUDE query :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-find-nearby-postal-code-geocoding 
                   "44.8391224692125" "-0.585060840409772")
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33000") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8391224692125") (:|lng| "-0.585060840409772") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "0.0"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33100") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "1.58675662707033"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33200") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "1.58675662707033"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33800") (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8276158095215") (:|lng| "-0.558988294008739") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3| (:|distance| "2.421455258929154"))
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33400") (:|name| "Talence") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8166667") (:|lng| "-0.6") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        (:|adminCode3| "33522") :|adminName3| (:|distance| "2.7608199337635466")))
    • A list of places for the given postalcode :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-placename-lookup "33560" :country '("FR"))
        ((:POSTALCODE . "33560") (:COUNTRY-CODE . "FR")
         (:PLACE-NAME . "Carbon Blanc"))
        ((:POSTALCODE . "33560") (:COUNTRY-CODE . "FR")
         (:PLACE-NAME . "Ste Eulalie"))))
    • Countries for which postal code geocoding is available :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-postal-code-country-info)
       (:|country| (:|countryCode| "AS") (:|countryName| "American Samoa")
        (:|numPostalCodes| "1") (:|minPostalCode| "96799")
        (:|maxPostalCode| "96799"))
       (:|country| (:|countryCode| "AT") (:|countryName| "Austria")
        (:|numPostalCodes| "46375") (:|minPostalCode| "1010")
        (:|maxPostalCode| "9991"))
       (:|country| (:|countryCode| "AU") (:|countryName| "Australia")
        (:|numPostalCodes| "10161") (:|minPostalCode| "0200")
        (:|maxPostalCode| "9726"))
    • A list of postal codes and places for the POSTAL-CODE / PLACE-NAME query :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-postal-code-search "33560" "" :country '("FR"))
      (:|geonames| (:|totalResultsCount| "2")
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33560") (:|name| "Carbon Blanc")
        (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|lat| "44.8833333") (:|lng| "-0.5")
        (:|adminCode1| "B") (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33")
        (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE") :|adminCode3| :|adminName3|)
       (:|code| (:|postalcode| "33560") (:|name| "Ste Eulalie") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|lat| "44.8833333") (:|lng| "-0.5") (:|adminCode1| "B")
        (:|adminName1| "Aquitaine") (:|adminCode2| "33") (:|adminName2| "GIRONDE")
        :|adminCode3| :|adminName3|))
    • Returns the names found for the searchterm :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-search "Bordeaux" "Bordeaux" "Bordeaux"
                                         :country '("FR") :max-rows 5)
      (:|geonames| (:|totalResultsCount| "48")
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667")
        (:|geonameId| "3031582") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPLA"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|lat| "48.6833333") (:|lng| "1.1")
        (:|geonameId| "3031581") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|lat| "44.8333333") (:|lng| "-0.5666667")
        (:|geonameId| "6455058") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "A") (:|fcode| "ADM4"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bordeaux-en-Gâtinais") (:|lat| "48.1")
        (:|lng| "2.5166667") (:|geonameId| "3031579") (:|countryCode| "FR")
        (:|countryName| "France") (:|fcl| "P") (:|fcode| "PPL"))
       (:|geoname| (:|name| "Bordeaux") (:|lat| "49.43759662") (:|lng| "1.096001809")
        (:|geonameId| "6474214") (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|fcl| "S") (:|fcode| "HTL")))
    • Get the timezone at the LATITUDE/LONGITUDE :
      CL-USER> (cl-geonames::geo-timezone "44.8391224692125" "-0.585060840409772")
       (:|timezone| (:|countryCode| "FR") (:|countryName| "France")
        (:|lat| "44.8391224692125") (:|lng| "-0.585060840409772")
        (:|timezoneId| "Europe/Paris") (:|dstOffset| "2.0") (:|gmtOffset| "1.0")))

  • Version 0.2 [2007-05-29] : Add some documentation of the API.
    Implements the XML output format.
  • Version 0.1 [2007-01-22] : Initialization of the project.
  • Links
    List of developers :
    Nicolas Lamirault -
    Mailing Lists
    Mailing lists that have been established for this project :
    API Reference documentation for cl-geonames project.